Posted by on Nov 30, 2015 in Blog, Spritual Thoughts, Verses for the King | Comments Off on Giving Thanks Through the Darkness


Philippians 4:6 is a beautiful passage for us to consider and hold on to during these challenging, stressful, and frightening times. The passage also has such a beautiful reminder that is so appropriate as we celebrate Thanksgiving and express our gratitude to God who is the giver of every good gift!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Weighed down and worried we watch wide eyed
News that intensifies stresses inside
Terror and tragedy, death, war and woe
Where can we turn to? To whom shall we go?

When our own sin and problems nag and annoy
When daily we struggle to find any joy
When health and wealth and relationships fail
Who hears our worried whisper or wail?

Anxious? Afraid? Feeling broken and small?
Hear the firm love in your Savior’s call:
“Do not be anxious about anything at all,
But take all your issues great and small
And thankfully, thoughtfully pray them all through
Give them to your God who knows well what to do.”

And what marvelous truth! How free we would be
If we stopped clinging to our problems so selfishly
Stopped believing the lie that it’s all about “me”
And drowning in useless anxiety
And instead we released them to our mighty God
Who knows all our sin and how deeply we’re flawed
But loved us with a love so intensely expressed
In dying our death to give us eternal rest.

Let’s pray with thanksgiving as He wants us to
Not just at Thanksgiving, but at all times too.
God loves to listen to each thankful prayer
It guards us from imagining God’s unfair
Reminds us the Father always gives good gifts.
With grateful thoughts our perspective shifts
From whatever we want, to what God has given
First and above all, Christ crucified and risen
And life now and forever with all sins forgiven
And mountains of blessings we never could number
Food, family, fortune, fine work and sweet slumber
And endless good gifts for this life and beyond
Even hard times and troubles that strengthen the bond
Between us and his truth as we lean on His love
And store up our treasures, not here, but above.

So let us rest in His rest as we work hard through life
And give Him our troubles, our stresses, our strife
And present each request, with thanksgiving in prayer
To the One who is always completely aware
Of all that we need, every want, every care
And is mighty and gracious with blessings to spare.